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Memorial Chase CIA 2003 Annual Report

Annual Meeting

The Board of Directors would like to invite you to the Memorial Chase CIA annual meeting. The annual meeting will be held at Krahn Elementary School, Thursday, February 12, 2004, at 7:00PM. Please plan to attend; the board appreciates your participation. If you have any questions regarding the annual meeting, please call Sterling Association Services / Jovanne Quintero during normal business hours at 281-447-3388.

The meeting agenda is:

bulletCall to order
bulletEstablish A Quorum
bulletBoard Members Introductions
bullet2003 Summary
bullet2004 Improvements
bullet2004 Budget
bulletLong Term Outlook
bulletElection of Board Members
bulletMisc. Business
bulletHomeowner Input

Board Member Elections

Three of the seven board positions are scheduled for ballot. Mikel Fontana, David Kopinitz and Walter Belmore are running for Re-election (without opposition at this time). The board is open for additional candidates and if you are interested, please contact The Board of Directors. It is a very interesting and educational experience. It takes one evening per month for monthly meetings and another evening per month for review of management reports to prepare for the monthly meeting. As a board member, you may be called upon to participate in occasional special projects.

2003 Summary

Management Company Change

The management company for MCCIA changed in 2003 to Sterling Association Services Inc. Jovanne Quintero can be contacted if you have any questions or comments. Contact information – phone 281-447-3388 - fax 281-966-1764. Mailing address: PO Box 38712 Houston, Texas 77238-8712

Pool Equipment

Southwest Pool Management made upgrades to the pumps prior to the pool opening for the 2003 season.

Pool Opening Party

The pool party was held one week before the Memorial Day weekend to allow for more residents to attend as many of our neighbor's travel out of town during the Memorial Day weekend. Over 65 prizes were donated by local businesses and given away during the party. Special thanks to all those, including the local businesses, which helped make this party such a success. Names of the supporting businesses can be found on the associate website www.memorialchasecia.com

Pool Fencing

The fence around the front and side of the pool area was replaced after the 2003-pool season ended. The fence was replaced for added security and to improve the common area look.

Kroger Share And Randall’s Remarkable Card Collections – Free Money For MCCIA

$108.11 was raised in 2003 from the Kroger Share program and $ 109.29

was raised in 2003 from the Randall’s Remarkable Card program. Just for shopping at their stores, these two local retailers donated a total of $217.40 to our neighborhood. Please continue using these programs each time you shop at Kroger or Randall’s. If you need a Kroger Share Card or details on the Randall’s Remarkable Card program, please contact Sterling Association Services at 281-447-3388 or Mikel Fontana at 281-374-9865 or email freemoney@memorialchasecia.com

Collection Summary (As of 12/31/03)





% Collection





















MCCIA Assessment Rate History


Assessment Rate


Assessment Rate
























Note - Each year, the board of directors review all contracts and monthly expenses to keep our cost down.

The balance sheet of Memorial Chase CIA as of 12/31/03 is shown below.


Operating Fund



Reserve Fund



Misc. Fees



Attorney Fees Received



2001 Assessments



2002 Assessments



2003 Assessments



2004 Assessments



Total Current Assets



Deed Restrictions / Violations

For all deed restriction violations recorded in 2003, a letter is sent to the homeowner regarding the violation, with a request for correction. 99% of the reported violations are promptly corrected. The board would like to thank every resident for their cooperation and great support. As a reminder, the board would like to ask each resident to please continue helping to keep our neighborhood looking great. Several items to stay focused on are:

bulletGeneral Lawn Care – mowing/edging
bulletImproperly parked vehicles
bulletRepair / Replace loose or broken fence boards
bulletFence Height 6’ 6"
bulletHanging / Falling Gutters
bulletMaterials are to be stored out of sight from street
bulletPets being allowed to roam the neighborhood
bulletResidence in need of painting

Memorial Chase CIA 2003 Annual Report (Page 2)

Deed Restriction Changes

The Board of Directors worked during 2003 on the issue of trash collection. To keep our neighborhood in top shape, changes were made to the deed restrictions to include the following guidelines:

bulletTrash containers and recycling bins are to be stored out of view from the front of the house.
bulletTrash should not be placed at the curbside more than 24 hours before normal collection.
bulletTrash containers and recycle bins should be picked up from the curb as soon as possible after collection.
bulletTrash containers and recycle bins should not be placed in the street.

        All residents are asked to follow these new guidelines.

Curbside Addresses

The Board of Directors contacted the water district and requested that the curbside addresses for MCCIA be repainted. The board approved our request then advised that they would address this issue again in the Spring 2004. The board believes this is an issue that the water district should address and will follow up on it.

Pest Control

Annual spraying of the MCCIA area has been ongoing for the last several years. In 2003, the board increased the normal weekly spraying of the area to twice weekly due to the risk of illness. The board has renewed the contract for 2004 for weekly spraying between April and November.

MCCIA WEB Page www.memorialchasecia.com

The MCCIA’s web page has been updated. Highlights of the MCCIA web page are:

bulletACC Forms
bulletMonthly Newsletters
bulletMCCIA monthly meeting minutes
bulletAnnual Meeting Information & Forms
bulletComment & Suggestion Page
bulletPool Tag Request/ Pool Hours
bulletAnnual Pool Party Highlights

Currently residents can communicate with board members and the association via email mccia@memorialchasecia.com All emails must include the resident’s name, address, and phone number.

2004 Improvements

MCCIA Web Page

Plans are to expand the web page to include business referrals, links to other web pages, and more. If you have any suggestions, please submit them to webpage@memorialchasecia.com

Security Additions

All residents are asked to be aware of the activities in and around our neighborhood. As a reminder, please keep our common area clean and safe. Please remove all items from the common area when you leave and please contact 911 if you see any vandalism-taking place around our neighborhood.

Playground Area / Equipment

The board monitors the condition of the playground equipment to insure the safety of all our residents. The board will review the playground during the 2004 year for possible improvements. Please advise the Management Company if you are concerned over any issue in the common area.

Pool Area Equipment

The large desk will be carpeted prior to the pool opening in 2004. Board will inspect the equipment at the pool area and replace the equipment as required before the opening of the 2004-pool season.

Pool Opening Party

The pool party will be held on Saturday, May 22, 2004

Mark your calendars!. This is one week before the Memorial Day weekend and allows for more residents to attend as many of our neighbors travel out of town during the Memorial Day weekend. Volunteers are needed for planning and obtaining donations for door prizes to make the party a great success. If you are interested in helping out with the party, please email the board of directors at poolparty@memorialchasecia.com

ACC Forms

Residents are reminded that ACC forms must be completed and approved before any repairs or additions to their residence. This includes fences, roofs, and painting. ACC forms and information are available at www.memorialchasecia.com

MCCIA Planning For The Future

2004 Financial Overview

In October of 2003, annual assessment bills were mailed. A payment plan was available, which allowed assessments to be paid in three payments. As of 12/31/03 / $20,350.50 of the 2003 assessments had been paid. Accounts are delinquent if not paid in full by 01/31/2004 and late fees and interest will be applied. Delinquent accounts will be turned over to our attorney for collection.

2004 Budget

The 2004 budget has been set and approved by the board. The budget is based on a 95% assessment collection rate. The budget was set as follows:


Budgeted 2004 Total Income


Budgeted 2004 Total Expenses


Net Income (Loss)


Expense Details:




Grounds Maint.


Taxes & Insurance



Building Maint.












Tennis Court



Write offs/ Adj.





Capital Reserve


2004 Outlook

The financial health of our association is good. The board is always looking ahead to the future to insure that we keep our present health. We continue to work to insure that the best interests of our neighborhood are kept as the top priority. As always the board is open to the opinions of each resident. Please make plans to attend the annual meeting and or the monthly meetings held the second Thursday of each month at the Fire Station on Landry.

Looking forward to seeing you at the annual meeting


Memorial Chase CIA Board of Directors.