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Revised 11/21/2024

ACC Forms must be submitted and approved for all repairs, additions and or improvements prior to the work starting.
All ACC Forms Are To Be Submitted Via Email To mcciahoa@gmail.com

In an effort to protect each individual homeowner’s rights and property values, it is required by Article V of the Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions that any homeowner considering improvements to their deeded property submit a " Request for Home Improvement Approval" to the Architectural Control Committee/Board of Directors  prior  to initiating work on planned improvements.

ACC Form that are submitted to the Association are reviewed at the monthly homeowner meetings that are held the 2nd Thursday of each month.
Email submission is the preferred method as they are sent directly to the Assoication Board  
Normal processing time after a completed ACC form has been submitted is around 30 days.

Please plan ahead so there is time to review your request.
Emergency request can be submitted to the association email.   The request must include full details including photos of the need for emergency repairs/
The Board of Directors will work with property owners to review and expidate emergency repair request. Email the association for information at mccia@memorialchasecia.com

Instructions:  - For completion and submission of MCCIA ACC form.  Please see the MCCIA ACC form for additional details and requirements:   Download ACC Form    Email is the preferred method for submitting ACC forms.

  1. Sketch and attach, ( on back ) a plan view of your lot showing property lines, main and side streets, and an outline of your home.
  2. Locate with dimensions your proposed improvements.
  3. Indicate fences.
  4. Indicate height and style of fences (materials used). 6’ 6" Height Limit ( See Revised Policy For Details ) 
  5. If you are building or locating an accessory building, green house, patio, etc., indicate the exact location with dimensions from the property lines.
  6. If you are proposing a room addition, patio, green house or any other architectural addition or change, the Committee will need an elevation and side view. ( Use extra paper if details will not fit on rear of sheet )
  1. Indicate materials to be used – type and color of shingles, type and color of brick, trim work, etc. (Actual samples are required for roofing and painting - copies are not acceptable)  Color samples can not be submitted via fax and or email as original samples are required.  Email the association for process to submit color samples if ACC form is being submitted via email.  
  2. Make notations of colors that will be used – exact names. ( Actual color samples are required )
  3. Show all pertinent dimensions – height, length, width, slope of roof and location of windows and doors.
  4. Point out any other important features.
  5. If improvements will be placed on concrete foundations or slab, indicate size on sketch.
  1. Feel free to submit any other material ( photographs, sales literature, catalog pages, etc. ) that may help the Committee in making an evaluation.
  2. If you have any questions ,  Email the association directly @ mcciahoa@gmail.com   PDF is the preferred format for attachments.

Completed Forms can also mailed or faxed to - this option requires more processing time: Memorial Chase CIA C/o Sterling ASI Company 6842 North Same Houston Parkway West - Houston, Texas 77064   832-678-4500 Fax: 281-598-4487. 
Samples can not be emailed and or faxed - original samples are required to be submitted.

MCCIA does not accept ACC form submitted by a third party.    All ACC from must be submitted by the current property owner on record.   This is to protect the property owner.

                                                                                                                                                                           Revised Policy  - January 2002



WHEREAS, Article VIII, Section 1 a, of the By-Laws of the Association, assigns the power to adopt and publish rules and regulations for the Association.

WHEREAS, there is need to clarify the guidelines for fences in the Association.

WHEREAS, it is the intent of the Board of Directors to clarify the height requirement for fences and the means in which these fences are measured.

WHEREAS, Article II, Section12, indicates that no side or rear fence shall be more than six (6) feet in height.

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Association will allow wood fences with 6 foot pickets and a 6 inch "rot board" The actual height of the fence measured from the bottom of rot board to the top of the picket cannot exceed 78 inches. The Association will allow a maximum of 2-3 inches below the "rot board’ to allow for ground level differences. (This allows the top of the fence to appear straight across.) The total height of the fence measured from the ground to the top of the picket can be no more than 81 inches.