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Memorial Chase CIA 2000 Annual Report

Annual Meeting
The Board of Directors would like to invite you to the Memorial
Chase CIA annual meeting. The annual meeting will be held at
Krahn Elementary School, Thursday, February 08, 2001, at
7:00PM. Please plan to attend, the board appreciates your participation. If you have any questions regarding the annual meeting, please feel free to call HMS Company / Marc Newman during normal business hours at 281-874-0414

The meeting agenda is:
* Call to order
* Establish A Quorum
* Board Members Introductions
* 2000 Summary
* 2001 Budget
* Long Term Outlook
* Election of Board Members
* Misc. Business
* Homeowner Input
* Adjourn

Board Member Elections
Four of the seven board positions are scheduled for ballot.
Linda Benge, Shirley Maxey, Jenny Roberts and Rhonda Kelly are running for Re-election (with out opposition at this time). The board is open for additional candidates and if you are interested, please contact The Board of Directors. It is a very interesting and educational experience. It takes one evening per month for monthly meetings and another evening per month for review of management reports to prepare for the monthly meeting. As a board member, you may be called upon to participate in occasional special projects.

2000 Summary

Collection Summary ( As of 12/00 )

              Billed     Collected     Outstanding     % Collection

2000     64,625     62,840      1,785                 97.2%
1999     64,625     64,075         550                 99.1%
1998     64,625     64,199         426                 99.3%
1997     64,625     64,449         176                 98.8 %
1996     64,625     64,625             0                 100 %
1995     64,900     64,900             0                 100 %

MCCIA Assessment Rate History
Year Assessment Rate
1994 -- $ 250.00
1995 -- $ 275.00
1996 -- $ 275.00
1997 -- $ 275.00
1998 -- $ 275.00
1999 -- $ 275.00
2000 -- $ 275.00

Note - The board of director's reviews each year all contracts and monthly expense to keep our expense down. The board is currently reviewing some changes in the laws concern pool in Harris County. Changes in the law and increased cost could lead to increased assessments in 2002.

Pool Equipment
The pool diving board was replaced with a sliding board during the 2000 pool season. The board continues to monitor all equipment to be sure it all is in good working order.

Pool Opening Party
The pool party was held one week prior to the Memorial Day weekend to allow for more residents to attend as many of our neighbors travel out of town during the Memorial Day weekend. Over 80 prizes were donated by local businesses and given away during the party. A Special thanks to all of our local businesses that help to make this party such a success. Special thanks to everyone that helped out to make the party success a success.

Extended Pool Season
The 2000 pool season was extended into the month of September, which allowed residents to use the pool during the weekends for the first month after the school season began.

Kroger Share And Randalls Remarkable Card Collections
These two local retailers just for shopping at their stores and using these cards, have donated a total of $ 353.81 to our neighborhood in the last year

Please continue using these programs each time you shop at Krogers or Randalls.
If you need a Kroger Share Card or details on the Randalls Remarkable Card program please contact HMS Company / Marc Newman at 281-874-0414 or Mikel Fontana at 281-379-2366 or 1-800-319-4290 (Pager)

The balance sheet of Memorial Chase CIA as of 12/31/00 is shown below.

* Operating Fund              52,727.33
* Reserve Fund                 33,267.13         $ 85,995.27
* Interest Assessments           518.68
* Misc Fees                             40.00
* Attorney Fees Recv.             49.66
* 1997 Assessments              176.00
* 1998 Assessments              425.78
* 1999 Assessments              550.00
* 2000 Assessments           1,785.00
* 2001 Assessments        -27,183.18       ( $ 23,638.06)

Total Current Assets                                   $ 62,357.21

Deed Restriction Changes

The Board of Directors is currently reviewing the issue of storage of Trash Cans and Recycling Bins. The board is considering making modification to make it a Deed Restriction Violation for the storage of trash cans as so they are visible from the street. To keep our neighborhood in top shape currently residents are asked to keep their trash cans stored so they can not been seen from the street. Trash should only be put out on the street 24 hours prior to trash day.

Memorial Chase CIA
2000 Annual Report Page 2

Deed Restrictions / Violations
During the year of 2000, there were a total of 57 deed restriction violations recorded. A letter is sent to the homeowner regarding the violation, with a request for correction. 99% of the reported violations are promptly corrected. The board would like to thank each and every resident for their cooperation and great support. As a reminder the board would like to ask each resident to please continue helping to keep our neighborhood looking great. Several items to stay focused on are:
* General Lawn Care
* Improperly parked vehicles
* Repair / Replace loose or broken fence boards
* Hanging / Falling Gutters
* Materials are to be stored out of sight from street
* Pets being allowed to roam the neighborhood

Flood Control
The board continued to work with the Harris County Flood Control and County Commissioner's Office regarding the flooding of the streets in our neighborhood during heavy rains. The board continues to monitor the building around our area.

2001 Improvements

Security Additions
Due to continued vandalism to the common area, improvements will be made to the fencing protecting our common area. Additional security lighting is being installed in the pool area to discourage theft and vandalism. All residents are asked to be aware of the activities in and around or neighborhood. As a reminder please keep our common area clean and safe. Please remove all items from the common area when you leave.

Play Ground Area / Equipment
The board monitors the condition of the play ground equipment to insure the safety of all our residents. The swings were replaced in 2000 to prevent possible injuries. Please advise the Management Company if you are concerned over any issue in the common area.

Pool Area Equipment
Additional lawn chairs and new picnic tables are being considered for the pool area for the 2001 pool season.

Pool Opening Party
The pool party will be held on Saturday, May 19, 2001

(Mark your calendars ) This is one week before the Memorial Day weekend and will allow for more residents to attend as many of our neighbors travel out of town during the Memorial Day weekend. This year we look forward to making this our best party. Volunteers are needed for planning and obtaining donations for door prizes to make the party a great success. If you are interested in helping out with the party, please contact HMS Company / Marc Newman 281-874-0414 or Mikel Fontana at 281-379-2366.

MCCIA Planning For The Future

MCCIA WEB is now available at  .  The pages were created for improved communication and access to require documents for our residents. Residents can communicate with board members via email at   Take a look at the WEB pages Comments / Questions  welcomed.
Highlights on the WEB page are:
Annual Meeting Information      ACC Forms                Pool Information            Pool Tag Request
Future Links:     Monthly New Letters      MCCIA Monthly Event Posting

2001 Financial Overview

In October of 2000, annual assessment bills were mailed. A payment plan was available, which allowed the assessment to be paid in three payments. As of 12/31/00 $ 27,183.18 (42%) of the 2001 assessments has been paid. Delinquent accounts will be sent additional statements, and any remaining delinquent accounts will be turned over to our attorney for collection.
All assessments were due on 01/01/01

2001 Budget
The 2001 budget has been set and approved by the board. The budget is based on a 95% assessment collection rate. The budget was set as follows:

* Budgeted 2001 Total Income         $ 63,240.00

* Budgeted 2001 Total Expenses      $ 65,133.00

Net Income (Loss)                            $ (1,893.00)
Expense Details:
Utilities                             12,768.00
Taxes and Insurance           5,475.00
Legal / Professional           19,860.00
Pool                                  15,363.00
Tennis Court                           640.00
Parks / Playground                  660.00
Grounds Maintenance           3,333.00
Building Maintenance              440.00
Billing / Collections                  100.00
Administrative                      1,370.00
Write Offs / Adjustments         300.00
Capital Reserve                    4,824.00

2001 Outlook
The financial health of our association is good. The board is always looking ahead to the future to insure that we keep our present health. We continue to work to insure that the best interests of our neighborhood are kept as the top priority. As always the board is open to the opinions of each resident. Please make plans to attend the annual meeting and or the monthly meetings held the second Thursday of each month at the Fire Station on Landry.

Looking forward to seeing you at the annual meeting


Memorial Chase CIA Board of Directors.

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