Monthly Homeowners Meeting Minutes Home Page
January 2005 Monthly Homeowners Meetings
MCCIA board meeting was held on Thursday, January 13, 2005 – 7:00PM at the
Fire Station on Landry. Board
members Linda Benge, Jill Chumley, Ken Schiller, David Kopinitz and Mikel
Fontana were present and Leigh Pollard was present to represent Sterling
Association Service. Two
Memorial Chase CIA homeowners attended.
input requested that the board look into the loose concrete around the parking
area at the common area and the tennis court backboard. Mikel advised he would take these as action items to
board reviewed and approved with corrections the minutes from the December 2004,
and reviewed and approved the monthly management and collection reports for the
period ending 12/31/2004.
restriction violations were reviewed and Sterling Association Services was
requested to forward letters on all violations approved. Residents are requested
to contact the Sterling ASI at 281-447-3388 if they have questions or updates on
deed restrictions.
confirmed that the 2005 Annual Homeowners Meetings would be held at Krahn
Elementary on Thursday, February 10, 2005.
The board approved the 2004 Annual Reports and requested they be mailed
out along with the meeting notice to all MCCIA residents.
Residents are encouraged to attend and in the event they cannot make the
meeting the Board of Directors request they complete a proxy to the Association.
ASI reported they are working on a second bid for the re-surfacing the tennis
and basketball court area.
requested Leigh to check into the status of the repair of the barricade at the
dead end of Highworth at Southleigh as it still had not been repaired.
ASI reported that they continue looking at options for electrical service for
cost saving to the association. Currently
they are looking at three companies, which could reduce the cost by 5 – 6 %.
Pollard is the management contact at Sterling ASI for Memorial Chase CIA.
Contact number for the Management Company is 281-447-3388.
Residents are reminded they may contact the board directly via email at
and find additional information at
The next
meeting will be the Annual Home Owners Meeting that will be held on Thursday,
February 10, 2005 – 7:00PM at Krahn Elementary School.
All residents are invited to attend.
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