Monthly Homeowners Meeting Minutes Home Page
March 2005 Monthly Homeowners Meetings
MCCIA board meeting was held on Thursday, March 10, 2005 – 7:00PM at the Fire
Station on Landry. Board members
Linda Benge, Jill Chumley, Jennifer Moorhead, Ken Schiller, David Kopinitz and
Mikel Fontana were present. Sterling Association Service was not present due to
an out of town meeting. One
Memorial Chase CIA homeowners attended.
board reviewed and approved the minutes from the February 2005 Annual Homeowners
and Board of Directors meetings. The
board reviewed and approved the monthly management and collection reports for
the period ending 02/28/05.
restriction violations were reviewed and Sterling Association Services was
requested to forward letters on all violations approved. Residents are requested
to contact the Sterling ASI at 281-447-3388 if they have questions or updates on
deed restrictions.
The 2005
Annual pool opening party will be held on Saturday – May 21, 2005.
Information will be sent out to all residents.
The board discussed the issue of two lifeguards at the pool area and
requested Sterling ASI to complete some research on the issue.
requested Leigh to check into the status of the repair of the barricade at the
dead end of Highworth at Southleigh as it still had not been repaired.
A board requested a copy of the letter that had been sent to the County.
The open
issues on the pool fencing have been resolved.
The board is awaiting the warranty from Aber Fence Company.
A trashcan receptacle has been ordered for the park area and Jill is working on a schedule to have the trashcan emptied.
Pollard is the management contact at Sterling ASI for Memorial Chase CIA.
Contact number for the Management Company is 281-447-3388.
Residents are reminded they may contact the board directly via email at
and find additional information at
The next
meeting will held on Thursday, April 14, 2005 – 7:00PM at the Fire Station on
Landry. All residents are invited
to attend.
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