Court Access Information                Home Page   Revised 11/27/2024

Court Usage / Access   - Updated Posted Below Effective 04/14/2024

Safety is key for all reasidents and all MCCIA residents will be required to following these guideline and will be subject to forfitting their access to the courts and or Common Areas if the guidelines are not followed.  
Courts will be limted to the following:  Up to 4 residents allowed on the tennis courts and up to 8 residents allowed on the basketball courts.   Exceeding these limits is not permitted and apply to the courts referenced (tennis or basketball).  Court usage is limted to 45 minutes of usage if there are other MCCIA residents wanting to use the courts.    No one should allow others to enter the courts - MCCIA residents must enter using their issued key - no excemptions. MCCIA residents can not be a guest of another MCCIA resident - they must enter the counters using their issued key.  The courts will be monitored and it the limts are not followed the residents found to not follow the outline limits will forfit their key.   If the courts limits are not followed and or it is found the usage is not being done a safe manner the courts will be closed.    
Skate, skateboards, bikes and any wheeled vehicle and or toy are not allowed on the courts at anytime.

Residents must have their own key to access the courts and can request one key at no charge by completing the court key agreement form and submitting via email to
You will need to include a signed completed Court Key Court Key Agreement form in your email.  Arrangements will be made to have a key delivered and there is not a pick up location for court keys.  Normal processing time is 72 (business hours) after the request has been recevived.  Keys will not be dropped off at homes - resident are required to sign for the key, electronic signature is not permitted.  
A $25.00 charge will be required for any replacement key.  Assessments and deed restriction must be current to request a key.

MCCIA residents can only enter the court area with their association issue key.  MCCIA residents are not permitted to allow entry of others into the courts that do not have a key.

MCCIA Court Key Agreement   NOTE:   Email the completed form as a PDF attachment

Reminder - the courts will be locked during the Fireworks Seasons to prevent damage to the court surface.   The courts will be available once the season / holidays have passed.

Court Agreement / Guidline updated due to recent tresspassing and unapproverd entering the MCCIA Common Area (Pool, Park and Court Areas)

The following rules and regulations are in effect for the Memorial Chase Community Improvement Association (MCCIA) Common Area - playground and courts. These rules and regulations must always be followed and are subject to change, as the MCCIA Board of Directors deem necessary. An incident of any of the below will be considered a violation of this agreement requiring the surrender of the court key to a MCCIA Board of Director and or suspension of access to the MCCIA Common Area (Playground, Pool and or Courts) for a period of 90 days to 12 months.


•         Courts are for the sole use of tennis and or basketball.  No bikes, skate boards and/or other wheeled vehicles / toys allowed in the court area.

•         Residents 18 years or older must remain at the court area always when they are in use.

•         MCCIA residents must enter the court using their individual key. 

•         MCCIA residents cannot be guests of other MCCIA residents.

•         Two (2) guests (non MCCIA residents) are permitted to enter the courts with MCCIA resident with current court key.

•         Residents are not permitted to make copies of the court key. 

•         MCCIA reserves the right to suspend usage of the tennis courts due to activities and or weather conditions that may endanger the participants and/or damage the facility.

•         Abusive language, poor sportsmanship, and fighting are not allowed at any time. Any incident of the above will result in the surrendering of the court key.



•         Trespassing and or entering the courts without issued key, trespassing and or entering any MCCIA property without prior written consent is subject to residents’
suspension of access to the MCCIA Common Areas (Pool, Playground and or Courts) for a period of 90 days to 12 months.

•         The South basketball courts will be closed (not used) at any time while the pool is open.

•         No alcoholic beverages are permitted.  All trash must be collected and removed from the courts.

•         No smoking permitted.

•         All personal property should be removed from the courts upon exiting the courts.

•         Courts are open between the hours of 8:00am - dusk.

•         Those entering the courts agree to follow all rules as outlined including any posted at the courts, in the common area and or on the association website.

•         There is a $25 fee for a lost and or replacement key.   One key per address will be issued.